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No Surrender Founder, Gina Maisano Launches a
Non-Toxic, Safe Skin Care Line, Bétèrre Skin+Care

Gina Maisano was once a successful chef, known for her farm-to-table innovative cuisine. She was then diagnosed with breast cancer twice in the course of the next six years. Her medical treatments included multiple surgeries, chemotherapy and radiation that left her with harsh side effects of scars, dry, damaged skin and radiation burns. She found nothing on the market that would help her. She used her culinary skills and returned to her garden to create natural oils and salves that would soothe and heal her damaged skin.

Heading up the No Surrender Breast Cancer Foundation to help other newly diagnosed women through their cancer treatments, she shared her garden based, natural skin therapies with the women she was helping. The women were finding relief from their cancer treatment side effects from Gina’s gentle blends.

This led Gina to extensive research into natural healing. She shared her findings in her critically acclaimed book, “Intimacy After Breast Cancer; Dealing with Your Body, Your Relationships and Sex.” Her research also propelled her to find out if there was anything that could be done to help prevent cancer from happening in the first place or in her case, keep it from returning. As a regular beauty product user she discovered there were dangerous chemicals in what she had been using. Did these toxins have anything to do with her getting cancer twice?

Her discovery propelled Gina to create a line of skin care that was nature-based, free of dangerous toxins, carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. She found a botanical chemist and together they worked from the soil up to create formulas that were soothing for people enduring harsh medical treatments. They were effective for people seeking safe skin care and they had to be gentle enough for children.

By using handpicked, nature-based ingredients and making the products in small batches in a state-of-the-art botanical lab, the end result is a safe, effective, beautiful line of products made with care and consideration.

It all began because of Gina’s cancer experience. It had to be better. Better from the earth- Bétèrre for you.

No Surrender Breast Cancer Foundation News


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No Surrender Chief of Research, Constantine Kaniklidis Authors groundbreaking reports in the Journal of "Current Oncology"

The Mammography Debate


Beyond the Debate

We are so fortunate to have Constantine as an integral part of No Surrender. He has helped thousands of women across the world leading to better treatment choices and advancing the knowledge of breast cancer.

Advocacy News

The No Surrender Breast Cancer Foundation is proud to support H.R. 1984/S.931, the
"Breast Cancer Patient Education Act."

On May 7, 2014, we presented on behalf of breast cancer patients everywhere on Capitol Hill with members of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

Find out more about the mission,

For full story,

No Surrender founder, Gina Maisano and Curémonos founder, Dora Arias, photographed in the Russell Senate Office Building after presenting at hearing in support of H.R. 1984/S.931
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The No Surrender Breast Cancer Foundation is a 501 c 3 Not-For-Profit Organization. Please see our Disclaimer and Terms of Use.